
Need of It Service in an Organisation

Executive Summary

C41 is a Melbourne based organisation who generally deal in coffee and coffee accessories. Along with that they also trade in online boutique store which is their another successful entity. Now company want to expand their business with the help of mobile strategy in which they want to get aware about the new technologies. But there is lack of expertise in an organisation who have knowledge about the IT related techniques. For making customer loyalty they have to launch their own app or third party applications. This helps them in ranging their business to the wide range of customers. In this assignment all the facts which are helpful in making the mobile strategy successful take into account. Along with the cost limitations and problems of the mobile technology is also discuss. Hence, company have to formulate such strategy through which they get overcome from such problem (Adams and et. al2012).

Mobile strategy

The modern world is consisting of many technologies. Such innovations are helpful for each and every business organisation. They can use them in an appropriate manner which helps them in getting the maximum result (Carman, 2011). For attain the more output company needs to formulate such type of strategy which are formulate according to present world scenario. This helps them in their firm expansion in right manner.

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The basic expansion in present time can become possible with the help of mobile and IT technology. If a business cannot adopt new inventions, they have to bear a loss of reaching to the wide range of audience. If a business is not ready for mobile device users, it leads in missing vast target customers and revenue also.

C41 have to formulate mobile strategy through which they can introduce their business at global level and leads in reaching to the target customers and can generate high profit. The best methods which are helpful in making the mobile strategy effective for a firm are as follow:

Define objectives: In this scenario company have to identify its objectives which are related with their organisation. According to this company have to look over on each and every single aspect which is related with the mobile strategy. Like who is going to take care about that technology etc(Delgado, Ferreira and CasteloBranco, 2010). These type of questions are formulating by the company in defining their objectives.

Select a right mobile environment: One of the biggest decision which a firm has to take is about the medium through which the target audience get achieve. Such options are not more than two or three like company can establish their mobile site of application. It helps them in reach to number of consumers for boutique business. Mobile application helps in easy and fast shopping for such customers who need fast delivery (Garrison, Kim and Wakefield, 2012).

Integrate with social media: It is an important factor for business expansion due to increase the number of users of social media. Social media creates a platform which helps an organisation for increasing their revenue.

Take advantage of multi-screen: C41 have to get aware about that most of the smartphones users watch television while browsing. So company have to take advantage of the multi device users because they can purchase more and more. They can post their advertisements on television as well as also on social media. This helps in creating customer loyalty.

Send timely alerts and notifications: According to a research more than 70% users check their cell phones while getting any message and notification. So, company have to provide timely alerts which helps them in make their customers aware about new products launching.

Term KPI stands for the key performance indicator is a measurable value that helps in demonstrate that how effectively a company is achieving its objectives. Organisations use KPI to identify their success towards the achieving targets. Cited organisation can use this method in measuring that how effectively their objectives are getting achieved.

It helps them in set a quantifiable measure which helps in measure performance over a period of time. C41 can use this method in measure their mobile strategy implementation. Like after the formulation of this technology business entity have to analyse the comparison that in what ratio their business gets grow.

Evaluation of mobile technology option

Proper utilisation of mobile technology helps in positive manner to a business. It helps in reaching the wide range of customers and generate more revenue. The higher revenue generation helps them in improve their quality of products and they are now become capable for providing high quality products (Knudsen, Roman and Oser, 2010).

Mobile strategy helps in better connectivity with customers so, that organisational goals can get achieve. The amount which consumers are going to pay for app should be minimum.

Furthermore, cited company have to focus more on experience which can only become possible if apps are going to load within multi seconds. This helps in providing a quality experience without any kind of frustration. So app development should have made with a goal of alleviating such frustration (Lindsay, Osborne and Bond, 2014).

C41 can use third party app in which they can get leverage of other network users app to increase their customer base. The strategy has to get formulate on scaleable base. In which company can work on such arguments from which they can increase the growth of users of their application.

Another factor which helps company for getting effective users is that sometimes few users shut down their phone and computers while using them. So that page which they were using get shut down automatically. And they had to try again for reaching to such pages. Company can work on this issue in which they can provide facility of reopen page from where it gets shut down. This helps in foster a streamlined experience. Align the mobile applications according to user’s preference, which helps in switch between the devices. This function helps their consumers because they can select their desired goods from number of range products.

Team work is important. Company have to hire such employees and expertise who can frame a proper team management. An effective team helps in the creating of beneficial app with less amount of preventive activities (Lipsky, 2011). Hence, C41 have to work on in formulate a strong team. If company have expertise, then they do not need to go outside and hire others for making their app and make their service effective. This helps in reducing cost of company because may be the others demand high amount for app creation. Hence, expertise is essential factor in effective working.

The last and the major thing is the customer data. The data encryption is helpful in doing this concern. This method is helpful with the purpose of customer’s data security and company's own security of their customer’s data. So, company have to work on this issue through which they can provide a peace of mind to their target audiences.

These strategies evaluation is necessary for an organisation because it helps them in getting target number of customers. Like firstly they have to maintain and establish proper objectives for their business and define them towards their customers. So that it helps in getting consumers faith and trust (Mell and Grance, 2011).

Secondly, cited organisation have to launch their application on which their new products are marked properly. It helps in distinguish between various range of goods. Also, they can use Facebook, twitter for promoting their products and upload reviews for each and every merchandise. The last thing is about alert messages for new trends. It can be done while sending heads-up messages to target customers who are using company's application.

All such strategies are helpful in creating a target market with effective services. It also helps them in providing a secure buffering of browsers. All such methods become helpful for an organisation in their long run success. The strategies are formulated while taking long term objectives into consideration.

Limitations/problems and cost which are related with strategies

It sector is one of the largest sector in the whole world which helps many organisations to connect with such customers who are beyond the boundary. Companies manage their business activities from one place to other countries. Hence after technology get upgrade it helps in the different manner through which more and more profit can generate. But it does not have advantages, sometime it has its own limitation which restricts it in its success. The major barrier is fraudulent. It leads in create a negative mindset of customers. This is not helpful in making the new business expansion because not every individual easily trust on new firms. Some other problems which are related with this strategy are as follow:

  • Increase in the number of frauds activities. It includes like cheating, trading of unsatisfactory products etc. All such situations are considering under the criminal offens.
  • It is cost incurred activity (Narayanan, Saladi and Fox, 2010). For making the business expansion and introduce it according to the technology so much cost is going to be invest into it.
  • Internet connectivity is also an another issue. Sometimes net do no provide proper speed for accessing a site. It leads in crate a mental disturbance for an individual. This is not good at all and create barrier in the success of organisation.
  • Some of the times social media restricts them in integrated activity. This leads in create some issue which affects the business growth.
  • Moreover, another problem is the lack of expertise, this leads in create a major barrier because company do not have appropriate specialised group or person who helps in making of the software/ application. It is a major issue for an organisation (Osborne, 2013).
  • The lack of expertise enforces them to utilise outsiders for creating their own applications and provide effective solutions whenever customers suffers from serious problems. Hence, it also leads in affect cited organisation strategy establishment.
  • If while making of software there will be any issue arise which is related with manufacturing, then it will be going to affects the user satisfaction. Some of the manufacturing defectives include high usage data of application this helps in creating dissatisfaction of the customers (Rathwell and Peterson, 2012).
  • Cheaters made exactly same software like company application and they start dealing in fraud activities which further leads in making the customer experience dis-satisfactory.
  • If the cost of manufacturing is become high, then it also leads in creating the high cost of pay. Target audience have to pay more for the application use. This leads in create a problem in which users refuse to use the application (Pham and et. al., 2010).
  • One of the major thing is the objective identification. If the targets are not clearly defined, then it leads in different working directions of the company. All employees are going to work in various paths without any goal.
  • There are many workers are working in an organisation which have different interest of work. Their differentiation in interest may arise conflicts between each one of them. It is not good in working as a team. Hence issues and conflicts are the major problem which affects the business productivity.
  • Competitors may hack C41 data and copy all of their customer’s detail with their private information. It helps them in making competitive strategies which are helpful for them and not for cited company. This is a major issue which might be face by firm in their growth (Schillemans, 2012).

These are some of the issues and problems which are going to face by the company in their development of their application and introduce new application for their target customers. These issues arise dissatisfaction in their customer’s preferences. So these are some of the issues which are related with company development.

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It is concluded from the above assignment of C41 that mobile technology is an important term which helps them in their growth and development. Along with this it is also examine that proper strategy formulation is must before every activity which is for the long run purpose. Some of the limitations are also merge while in the success of any new technology. Team work and proper coordination is must for any development programme and the task should execute in the proper guidance of expertise.


  • Adams, R., and et. al., Microsoft Corporation, 2012. Identity services for organizations transparently hosted in the cloud. U.S. Patent Application 13/425,143.
  • Carman, J.G., 2011. Understanding evaluation in nonprofit organizations. Public Performance & Management Review. 34(3). pp.350-377.
  • Delgado, C., Ferreira, M and Castelo Branco, M., 2010. The implementation of lean Six Sigma in financial services organizations. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. 21(4). pp.512-523.
  • Garrison, G., Kim, S and Wakefield, R.L., 2012. Success factors for deploying cloud computing. Communications of the ACM. 55(9). pp.62-68.
  • Knudsen, H.K., Roman, P.M and Oser, C.B., 2010. Facilitating factors and barriers to the use of medications in publicly funded addiction treatment organizations. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 4(2). p.99.
  • Lindsay, C., Osborne, S.P and Bond, S.U.E., 2014. The ‘new public governance’and employability services in an era of crisis: Challenges for third sector organizations in Scotland. Public Administration. 92(1). pp.192-207.
  • Lipsky, A.B., 2011. Evaluating the strength of faith: Potential comparative advantages of faithbased organizations providing health services in subSaharan Africa. Public Administration and Development. 31(1). pp.25-36.
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